
We produce computers for government surroundings.

Producing computers for government environments requires adherence to strict security standards and specifications. Governments often have specific requirements for the hardware and software used in their systems to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of sensitive information.

Here are some key considerations when producing computers for government surroundings:

  1. Security Standards Compliance: Ensure that your computers comply with relevant security standards and certifications, such as Common Criteria, FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards), or other government-specific standards.
  2. Secure Hardware Design: Implement secure hardware designs to prevent unauthorized access and tampering. This may include features like tamper-evident seals, secure boot processes, and hardware-based encryption.
  3. Secure Software Configuration: The operating system and software installed on the computers should be securely configured. This involves minimizing unnecessary services, employing strong authentication mechanisms, and regularly updating software to patch vulnerabilities.
  4. Data Encryption: Implement robust encryption mechanisms to protect data at rest and in transit. Full-disk encryption and secure communication protocols are crucial for safeguarding sensitive information.
  5. Supply Chain Security: Ensure the security of your supply chain to prevent the introduction of compromised components. Regularly audit and monitor your supply chain to identify and mitigate potential risks.
  6. Physical Security: Consider the physical security of the computers, including protection against theft, environmental hazards, and unauthorized access. This may involve features like Kensington locks, secure cabinets, and access control mechanisms.
  7. End-of-Life Disposal: Establish secure processes for the disposal of computers at the end of their lifecycle. This includes securely wiping data and physically destroying hardware to prevent any potential data breaches.
  8. Collaboration with Government Agencies: Work closely with government agencies to understand their specific requirements and expectations. Collaboration can help ensure that your products align with the needs and standards of government environments.
  9. Continuous Monitoring and Auditing: Implement continuous monitoring and auditing mechanisms to detect and respond to security incidents promptly. Regularly review and update security policies to address evolving threats.
  10. Training and Awareness: Provide training for government personnel on the secure use of the computers and raise awareness about potential security risks and best practices.

Remember that security is an ongoing process, and staying informed about the latest security developments is crucial. Regularly updating your products to address new threats and vulnerabilities is essential in maintaining a secure computing environment for government use.